• Returns the current call stack of smart contract execution.


    The first element of this list is the originator (creator of the transaction) and the last is the address of the current smart-contract.

    When executing the ExecuteSC function, the list is composed of only one entry: the initiator, the caller and the callee having with the same address.

    Here is a list of the different cases in the Massa stack system:

    ExecuteSC: when an account A sends an ExecuteSC operation, the stack at the beginning of that execution is: bottom [ A ] top.

    CallSC: when an account A sends a CallSC operation to call a function in a smart contract B, the stack at the beginning of the execution of that function is: bottom [ A, B ] top. Note: A and B can be the same.

    Call: from one smart contract to another: when a function F from smart contract C is being executed with the stack [A, B, C] and calls a function on a smart contract D, the stack at the beginning of the execution of D’s function becomes: bottom [A, B, C, D] top. When D’s function finishes, the stack becomes bottom [A, B, C] top and the execution of F resumes.

    Autonomous SC: a message sent at a moment when the stack was [A, B, C] and calling a target function F of a smart contract D, will yield the following stack at the beginning of the execution of the target function: bottom [C, D] top. Note: C and D can be the same.

    Local execution: local executions don’t change the stack, they allow executing foreign code in the current context.


    An array of Address objects representing the call stack.

    Returns Address[]

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